Morse Road & Kizmiller Road

Franklin County

New Albany, Ohio

Bridge Design
Alternative Development/Evaluation
Roadway Design
Traffic Design
Utility Coordination
Roundabout Alternatives
Roundabout Design
Surveying Services
Construction Cost Estimates
Drainage Analysis & Design

This project began as a preliminary geometric study to develop layout options for a modern roundabout design. CM obtained and analyzed crash data and traffic counts to complete a feasibility study. Existing survey, right-of-way, and boundary conditions were also obtained to assist in plan development. Two roundabout options were developed, including typical sections, alignments, profiles, cross sections, and preliminary cost estimates to allow the County to better understand the options and impacts of potential improvements. The preferred alternative selected is a unique roundabout design that features a non-circular shape composed of four compound curves. This configuration was chosen due to the fact that the traffic volume is significantly higher on Morse Road than Kitzmiller Road and to reduce property impacts to the northwest quadrant of the project. Property values in the project area are extremely high so limiting the amount of the proposed right-of-way takes was paramount to keeping the project within budget. The bridge immediately east of the roundabout was originally designed as a composite rolled steel beam bridge. However, value engineering changed the design to concrete beams, maintaining the same width but lengthening the span. CM reviewed and approved these changes to the design. The project also included the installation of a closed drainage system and the replacement of two large culverts. Significant public involvement and utility coordination were also paramount to the success of this project. The project was completed on an accelerated design schedule as the County was awarded safety funding from the state, which required the project to be under construction within a certain time frame.

Morse Road & Kizmiller Road Roundabout
Morse Road & Kitzmiller Road Bridge
Morse Road & Kizmiller Road Signage & Markings