New Year's Resolutions

Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions! Although many of us are still working on our resolution from 1999 to lose 10 pounds, we all have the opportunity to set new goals for 2015. It has been said that nearly 88% of Americans vow resolutions each January 1st. It is at this time that we pause to evaluate the previous year and pledge to do better the next.

We recently polled our employees to get insight on their professional resolutions for 2015. Here are a few of our favorites:

Treat every day as a learning opportunity

Although this resolution may seem lofty, it is one of the easiest to achieve. Read the latest industry news and publications. Seek advice from a mentor or colleague. Ask questions. Attend training and continuing education events.

Turn weaknesses into strengths

Complete a self-evaluation survey or ask your manager to provide feedback to identify areas in which there is room for improvement. Try new things and take part in tasks that will enhance your skills and industry knowledge. A weakness is easily turned into a strength when you focus your attention on improvement in that area.

Be more proactive

Attend all the possible trainings, meetings, and professional development opportunities that are offered. Don’t just go through the motions at the office. Identify solutions to challenges, find new experiences and organizations, and engage with your coworkers. Genuine enthusiasm and passion are highly infectious so your colleagues (and bosses) will take notice.

Find the “sweet spot” of work/life balance

Work hard, play hard is a great model to live by. The goal of this resolution is finding the right balance between the two. Project deadlines and family activities always seem to happen at the same time so prioritizing both can be difficult. Plan ahead and organize your calendar so that one does not trump the other.

Participate in professional organizations

The key point to this resolution is participating. Joining an organization is not enough. In order to gain the maximum benefits, you must actively participate in the group. Attend the luncheons, volunteer for the events, and join the committees. These organizations are the best networking and educational resources available.


It’s not what you know, but who you know that makes all the difference. Reconnect with old contacts, update your social media profiles, and make an effort to increase your professional network. The fastest way to grow and develop your contacts is to make yourself available. Attend events, send brief follow up emails, and actively work at making new connections.

Give Back

This resolution has benefits both professionally and personally. Spending an afternoon giving back to your community will make you feel good. You will be given the opportunity to meet new people, master a new skill, and challenge yourself. Find a charitable organization that interests you and recruit colleagues, family, and friends to volunteer as well.

The hardest part of any New Year's resolution....sticking to it! Forbes has a few ideas about how you can "Crush Your New Year's Resolutions" .

Good luck and may 2015 bring you nothing but personal and professional successes!

One thought on “2015’s Resolutions

Corrine Thiessen

February 10, 2015 at 8:16 am

Appreciate the recommendations. Will try it out.

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