2022 Intern Highlight- Alex Holmes

I had no idea what to expect walking into my first day at Carpenter Marty. I’ve spent a great deal of time around engineers, from school to working for my local county engineer’s office, so I’d seen a bit of everything. Despite that, I was floored and continued to be floored, by my experience at the firm.

Every single one of my coworkers have treated me with more patience and kindness than I thought possible in a workplace. The traffic group has welcomed me in like a part of the team since the day I started, and it has not stopped since. In just three weeks, I felt like I learned as much as my whole time in school. From driving to West Virginia to set up cameras, to sitting in office working on everything from a turn lane warrant to a capacity analysis, there have been many interesting things I’ve gotten to work on.

 If I had to describe Carpenter Marty in a phrase, I would simply say it is the most efficient and fun place I have had to privilege to work in. A joke is never far away, but also you can see the work being churned out as quickly as it’s brought in! The best companies, and leaders, can balance morale with production, and everyone at the firm seems to understand that.

All the engineers that have given me things to work on, have been incredibly patient, and extremely willing to teach me. From messaging Leiana on teams seemingly every day, peppering her with questions about this step of analysis or that volume sheet, or Chelsea about this camera setup, and that weird thing excel is doing. I quickly learned the only bad question is the one you don’t ask. No one ever made me feel silly for asking, and I have asked more than my fair share this summer!

Working for Carpenter Marty has done nothing but grow my interest in traffic engineering and solidify the field of work I want to go into. A huge thank you to everyone at the firm is appropriate, and especially to the entire traffic group. Thank you so much for taking me under your collective wings! It has truly been a pleasure!

Alex Holmes

Ohio University

Class of 2023

By cmadmin

One thought on “Summer Intern Highlight- Alex Holmes


August 16, 2022 at 1:43 pm

As little as I did get to work with you Alex, It was a pleasure to be around you. Good luck with school and hope to see you again some day.

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