VAR-STW-Safety Studies

ODOT Central Office

Ohio, Statewide

Safety Studies
Corridor Studies
Intersection Control Evaluation
Traffic Data Collection
Roundabout Geometrics

CM was the prime consultant for three contracts and a subconsultant for another contract (with LJB) under ODOT’s statewide safety studies program. Safety study assignments were made from ODOT’s high-crash and severe-crash intersections and roadway segments. The assignments ranged from an urban interstate segment with over 500 crashes to a rural, low-volume intersection. Crash reports were downloaded, individually reviewed, compiled in a crash diagram, and analyzed for trends and to identify crash causation and safety issues. Field observations were conducted including observing operations, identifying issues, taking measurements, and collecting other information necessary to obtain existing conditions, conduct crash analysis, identify countermeasures, etc. Capacity analysis was completed to confirm extent that capacity may have on safety performance. CM coordinated with locals and maintaining agencies for each study focusing on crash experience, availability of recent traffic count data, prior attempts to implement countermeasures, suggestions for countermeasures to be evaluated within the study, and possible opportunities for implementation. Countermeasures were then recommended in comprehensive (formal or abbreviated) safety study report detailing all methods, analysis, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Concept plans were prepared to illustrate the recommended short, medium, and/or long-term countermeasures. Planning-level cost estimates were prepared, and benefit-cost analyses were completed utilizing the ODOT Economic Crash Analysis Tool. The safety study reports were then reviewed by the ODOT District Safety Review Team prior to application for safety funding. To date, CM has completed 16 abbreviated studies and 10 formal safety studies as part of this contract. CM has also been actively involved in the presentation, preparation, and submission of the funding application for multiple safety study projects after the study was completed. This has led to the successful funding of multiple safety projects that originated from a CM safety study.