2019 New Year's Resolutions

Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions! Although many of us are still working on our resolution from 1999 to lose 10 pounds, we all have the opportunity to set new goals for 2019.

We recently polled our employees to get insight on their professional resolutions for 2019. Here are a few of our favorites:

Ben Pendery“My professional resolution for 2019 is to be a better communicator.”
–Ben Pendery, EIT




Brittani Leopold“I resolve to maintain my CPSM certification. It also means that I’ll have to be more diligent in attending programs and educational events throughout the year.”
–Brittani Leopold, CPSM, LEED AP




John Gallagher“In the Traffic & Planning group, we are solely about helping the client. Our history has shown us that if we are successful at this, the business side takes care of itself. We have clients that use us only because they know we worry about their upcoming issues, sometimes before they do, and find solutions for them to consider prior to the issue surfacing so we are ready to deal with things quickly and efficiently once they occur. Through our success with this philosophy, our goal in 2019 is to continue to grow the group, even in the face of funding and economic uncertainty.”
–John Gallagher, PE, PTOE


Shehu Junaidu“I would like to take and pass the FE exam in 2019. The ultimate goal is to become a PE in the near future.”
–Shehu Junaidu




Matt Malich“A professional resolution I have for 2019 is to improve upon my quality control process. I want to be able to review plans and correct any errors prior to handing the plans off for the second internal review.”
-Matt Malich, PE



Drew Laurent“One of my 2019 professional resolutions is to continue strengthening my relationships with existing clients and create new relationships with new clients.”
-Drew Laurent




Greg Sprungle“I’d like to take and pass the PE exam.  I’d also like to improve the consistency of my work.”
-Greg Sprungle, EIT




Patrick Park“My first resolution for 2019 is to embrace new technologies. My second is to become a better communicator with my coworkers.”
-Patrick Park, MS, PE




Greg Johnson“Don’t sweat the small stuff. Family time is family time, so leave work at work. Embrace technology. Just organize it and quit thinking about how you want it organized.”
-Greg Johnson, PE



The hardest part of any New Year's resolution....sticking to it! Good luck and may 2019 bring you nothing but personal and professional successes!